Time, dedication, and interests. some words.

not many people have known who, and what’s been involved to create such a mystery about things that at first hand seems like a god given gift coming sent from heaven. the creator and thinker, the planning and what it takes to create such masterpieces as the internet, google and a long haul of top1 companies, like apple, crypto currency and “transport” companies. some people may think that these are things are part of a system that in secret dictates the success and history for lifting the population into a higher level from a hidden society not known to human. yet!

i for one am not in any doubt that there is more than the earth in the universe and that these elements are part of a greater system that connects through layers of a bigger planning to guide things in the right direction. some would say that life is hard but no one forced anyone to stay living in a place where war and poor people dominate the view. not one single person forced anyone to be staying in a place where there is no close to no chance of survival. in history humans have traveled and settled in different places. and none has told them to keep staying if things get rough. they’ve been asked to leave.

if you’d be living in a place where war or lack of money just picks in your eyes there is no reason to stay. i’ve been blessed with the position to be in a country where there to some extend exist friendship between most of these citizens as a genuine network of people within a region of a history of wars that has become free of dictatorship and bad judgements. for many years the leaders has been asked to find an alternative to the excuse of force used on their own citizens because this would be a more pleasant habitat for human than staying in dust and mud from big machines that just destruct their homes because of two politicians can’t speak and use words as other normal people to get “connected”.

places like ukraine and russia has been spending almost three years of combat to come to an agreement of either lost. they disconnected diplomacy instead of keeping it going parallel to come to an agreement. personally i’d say three years that not even close to a race of getting it done but most likely a setting an example to keep positions. the politicians nowadays seems disconnected from reality and follow a lead of gaining votes to exist on a stage where they think they rule the world (lead their “his/her” people). not far from the truth.

in israel they should avoid the revenge spree, and “leave the situation”. that means be bigger humans than the rest and “suck it up”, as there’s no other people on this planet that lifes under more strict rules, and moral than these people, while that’s what makes them do it. they’ve been threatened for their lifes for ages, taken their living space, and asked to life in a camping spot so to speak while they want their own place. just like a youngster that’s been asked to life at home while this one sees others have a life in freedom. just make peace, simple as that. and not continue the personal rage. for these terrorists it’s not personal. they unstability, and fear. just like they experienced themselves. so find peace with what these seem to have been served, and stop the fights instead of keeping spilling fuel into a war situation. otherwise it seem just as stupid! and no, its not me who is keeping it going – thats YOU!

another thing that i would like to mention.

now the following photos:
whats up with people and these sightings. i suppose they are stars or ufo’s but who knows. looking at the reflection of myself the appearance really looks awkward, and really doesn’t reflect reality. i don’t dress up at home for anything but looks like a pilot or something. privacy is unknown to other people? and i’m even living on the 1st. floor with no terrace or platform outside. seems everything/everyone is twisted for some reason thinking their transparent. anyone care to explain?

the image is directly from a motorola g(20) mobile phone without editing/modifications.